Title: Complete Ecommerce Website in Bharat(India)
Description: Not happy with a simple website?
- Professionally designed responsive website design with Blog+Ecommerce Store+Flash design (Can use a combination of these).
- Responsive Web Designing: In a lay man’s language, Responsive Web Designing (RWD) is similar to the idea of a room that automatically resizes and reshapes itself, depending upon the number or flow of people entering it. It all started with Ethan Marcotte’s article on A List Apart, which initiated the significance of Responsive Web Designing in the virtual world and projected it as a solution for designers who have to meet the demands of designing for different resolutions.
- Gadget Friendly: With the influx of different gadgets including a high percentage of cell phone users converting to buyers, designers have to make different screen resolutions so that their websites are compatible to Blackberry, iPhone, iPad, netbook, Kindle and many other such devices in the market.
However, instead of creating different versions for sundry devices, Responsive Web Designing uses fluid grids, flexible images and media queries to automatically adapt the layout to the viewing environment. Since then, it has revolutionized the way websites were being designed in the past decade. As the user switches from iPad to phone, the website should automatically adjust and change resolution, scripting abilities and image size. To sum up, making numerous versions of a website to target individual device and to fit the ever widening spectrum of screen sizes and resolutions, is not a practical way forward. This is the core issue that Responsive Web Designing deals with.
Why go through this headache you ask?
Well, if a potential buyer/client visits your ecommerce website and then goes away just because they were not able to view your product or service on their mobile device then what is the whole point of keeping such a website? - Best for Businesses (Big or small), Professionals, Artists, Freelancers, Home business owners and others.
- Build Portfolios, WordPress ecommerce stores, WordPress shopping carts with PayPal plugin, Product based websites, Photos based Flash portfolios, Videos based sites, Training modules and much more…
- Includes a free domain name and website hosting for 1 year.
Some examples:
Note: We are located in Baroda & Mumbai but provide our website designing services throughout India (Bharat) and rest of the world.
Contact us for more samples from our latest web design portfolio of Flash web-sites + Ecommerce stores with WordPress blogs OR Order an Ecommerce + Responsive Design + Blog TODAY!
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